Postcode: NN3 2ND, Headlands, Northampton, unparished area, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England - East Midlands

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Postcode: NN3 2ND, Headlands, Northampton, unparished area, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England - East Midlands

Postcode NN3 2ND
Postcode Structure
Postcode Area NN
Postcode DistrictNN3
Outward Postcode NN3
Inward Postcode 2ND
Ward Headlands E05008832 Ward Code
Parish Northampton, unparished area E43000233 Parish Code
District Northampton E07000154 District Code
County Northamptonshire E10000021 County Code
Region East Midlands
Country England
Local Authority Northamptonshire
Constituency Northampton North E14000861 Constituency Code
MSOA Northampton 012 E02005661 MSOA Code
LSOA Northampton 012B E01027169 LSOA Code
NUTS / LAU areas West Northamptonshire E05008832 NUTS Code
Clinical Commissioning Group NHS Northamptonshire E38000242 CCG Code
County Electoral District Headlands E58001136 CED Code
Strategic Health Authority
The health area code for the postcode
East Midlands
Primary Care Trust (PCT) Northamptonshire Teaching
Police force Northamptonshire
Water company Anglian Water
Easting 477518
Northing 262445
Grid reference SP775624
Altitude 100 metres
Latitude, Longitude 52.254726, -0.86581
Positional Quality within the building of the matched address closest to the postcode mean
User Type Small (addresses receive less than 25 items of mail per day)
Rural/Urban Urban city and town
Census Output Area E00138219
Nearby Station Northampton 3.37424 Km Station Distance
Pluscode 9C4X743M+VM

Other Postcode Ward in: Northampton, unparished area Northampton, Northamptonshire

Abington, Boothville, Brookside, Castle, Delapre and Briar Hill, Eastfield, Headlands, Kings Heath, Kingsley, Kingsthorpe, New Duston, Obelisk, Old Duston, Park, Parklands, Phippsville, Rectory Farm, Riverside, Rushmills, St David's, St James, Semilong, Spencer, Spring Park, Sunnyside, Talavera, Trinity, Westone

Other Postcode Parish in: Northampton, Northamptonshire, East Midlands

Billing, Collingtree, Duston, East Hunsbury, Great Houghton, Hardingstone, Hunsbury Meadows, Northampton, unparished area, Upton, West Hunsbury, Wootton

Other Postcode District in: Northamptonshire, East Midlands

Corby, Daventry, East Northamptonshire, Kettering, Northampton, South Northamptonshire, Wellingborough

List of other Postcodes in : Headlands, Northampton, unparished area, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England - East Midlands